In order for your garment to maintain functionality and keep you warm and dry, you need to periodically wax certain parts of the garment.

Before you start
In order for your garment to maintain functionality and keep you warm and dry, you need to periodically wax certain parts of the garment. This makes the trouser or jacket more durable, and repellent for wind, water and dirt. Add a layer and adapt the thickness after your purpose. Waxing benefits both the environment and the wallet.
How to wax your trousers:
First, make sure you have the essentials; wax and a heat source. For heat source you can use a hair dryer, iron or an open fire.
Remember to wash your garments before waxing.
Decide what parts you want to impregnate. Place the trouser on a flat surface and start applying the wax on the trouser with long and thin strokes, one part at a time. Once you've applied the wax it's time to heat it up until it melts and absorbs into the fabric. If you're using an iron it should be at low- to middle temperature and without steam. Continue with the next part of the trouser and repeat the process with wax and heat.
It's good to apply a thicker layer on the more exposed areas, like the bottoms that come into contact with water more often, or the knees and back that become more worn out. Just remember that wax reduces the breathability of the fabric.
If you used an iron; clean it properly after use.
Once you're finished with the impregnation, test the result by dripping water on the fabric. If the water repels, you've succeeded.